Every thought is a seed. When you water it (with your emotions) it will grow…

Gotta make sure to water only seeds that we want to see growing, that are aligned with our souls path & brilliance. Therefore thought control through meditation is so key. More and more you get aware of your thoughts and start to decide which ones you wanna make grow. You start to become your own master, the captain on your board who is in control of his life (board).

Gotta also make sure emotions from negative past situations are not linked up unconsciously with your thoughts (from pregnancy, birth, childhood, past-lifes, ancestors and more). Clear your toxic emotions so that your brilliant thoughts can grow or „simply“ be absolutely present in the moment, without attachments to past situations.

When you place your brilliant thoughts into the sun (your inner fire & passion based in the heart) they will boost & blossom and bring you the abundant & juicy life you deserve.